Press Release Marketing Secrets
Press releases capture the attention of your audience, whether it’s a local reporter, potential client, current clients, etc. If you aren’t uses these as part of your marketing efforts, you should! An aggressive press release campaign can be one of your best assets in business. It can be one of the best ways to get cost-effective PR to promote your business, products, etc.
It not only gets you out there as an expert, but it rocks your SEO results and backlinks. Plus, it enables you to announce new products or services, get the word out about newsworthy events (classes, seminars, etc.) etc.
Make every word count. Content is kind.
You want to make your content relevant, fresh, informative, newsworthy, current, and searchable.
You hear newsworthy all the time. That means – make sure it is of interest to your targeted audience.
Don’t just do a press release to do a press release. Offer great value and information.
Don’t just tell what your product does, instead tell how you are solving problems or creating solutions. Clients are more likely to type in or even read an article if it is on point for what they are looking for.
Announce interesting news. Think about special events you can tie your release to introduce new products, services, achievements
Present a story. Share a success story. Were you just featured in a national magazine, then tell people about it.
What special events are there that you can tie your release to?
How about a big milestone in your business. For example, this year I’m celebrating 27 years in business. I think that deserves a release.
If you are promoting a book consider writing a release on: your book, any great reviews you received, a book tour or book signing, any speaking engagements you have up and coming, any radio appearances, etc. Also, tie in your book to any current topics.
If you are promoting an online store, consider holiday sales, new noteworthy additions, recent press you’ve received, etc.
It’s important when writing a press release that you write to your target audience. You know your audience best, speak to them and tell them what they need to know.
Be informative. Tell facts or inform on the subject you are writing about.
Use an active voice, not a passive voice. (Go get ‘em)
Make sure it’s totally newsworthy, repeat newsworthy. (I know I said that before, but it bears repeating. You need to NOT be an ad.)
Make sure your release is keyword driven & do a keyword search analysis first.
When appropriate include: Who, What, When, Where, How of the story.
Add quotes – and get permission for those quotes.
When using hyperlinks to your site, make sure you include the http://
Write regularly. Make it a part of your marketing campaign. Don’t be a one-hit wonder.
Give away a free sample or special report. People love freebies. However, make sure that the freebie sells you well. An unprofessional freebie can actually do more damage.
Don’t use too much Industry-specific jargon. It’s okay to use some, but make sure you explain it.
Be careful about abbreviations. You might know what that abbreviation means, but others might not. Make sure to explain it well. For example, Virtual Assistant (VA).
Add keywords in the first few words of the title.
Make sure your release is accurate. Proof, reproof, and reproof again. One more time just for the fun of it.
Always send locally and add in local keywords
Add your press release to your website, blog, newsletter, Twitter, etc. Get the most exposure you can.
Have a professionally taken photo available. Many journalists will request this and a bio after they express an interest in your story. Also, you need this for when you when you submit online.
Contact – Name, website, email, phone, cell phone (make sure it’s correct)
Title – Make sure it wows them enough to want to read more. (Normally around 80 characters).
Subtitle (optional)
Dateline – City, State (Date) –
First paragraph – Enticing. Wheel ‘em in – the first paragraph should tell the main story, the rest will elaborate more on it.
Body of Release – 2 to 3 Paragraphs
Last Paragraph – Call to ACTION – Important, what do you want them to do from this release
About the Company … Landing the deal
300 to 800 words
One Page ONLY
Avoid “I”, use third person whenever possible. When you want to use “first person” add it into your quotes.
Avoid too many explanation marks. You don’t need to have that much emphasis.
Always convert from Word to Notepad when submitting online.
Hope these tips help! Remember if you need any help in writing those press releases we specialize in that. Let’s talk. Also, I’d love to have some of your press release tips. Post away.