Ready to get the more out of your marketing efforts? Are you tired of all the constant changes and just feeling overwhelmed by it all? Then you need to understand how to go full circle with your marketing. Time to get more out of all you do so that no matter what changes, you are covered.
How does this work? Simple! By getting more out of all you do, you then are out there in different networks. So say things change on Facebook (and they always do!), no problem, you are covered on your website, with your article marketing, and more. You are no longer relying on someone else for your success. Plus, by going full circle in your marketing efforts, you brand more and send out more of the same message.
Top tips to go full circle in your marketing:
1.Write articles. Then add that article to your blog and newsletter. Include keywords in the title of the blog posting and throughout the article. Then send your article out to the top quality article submission sites and also industry specific ones.
2.Next create several tweets and Facebook postings from that article and add it to your social media efforts adding in the appropriate hashtags.
3.Next do some paid advertising. Promote that post that features your article. Also, encourage others to share it as well. You might consider doing a Facebook ad too that brings more traffic to your page.
4.Follow-up this up with adding that article to your autoresponder series for those who sign up for your newsletter. (Check out how it works by signing up for mine at Now you need to not just add the article, but also write up a good posting, but what happens then is that every time someone signs up for your newsletter, they will see this article. (BAMM, that’s how it is done!)
5.Next, take that article and create a pitch and send it out to databases of those who would be interested. Often times bloggers are very interested in new content as are reporters who write on that topic.
6.Finally add those articles to your LinkedIn profile.
Can you see how if you would do this consistently, how beneficial it would be? Also, it helps you to stay in front of your marketing because it’s easy to follow and do with each article. And keep in mind, you don’t have to do it alone. There are great professionals out there willing to help you achieve success. Good luck and get marketing!
Until next time, happy marketing.
Diana Ennen is the President of Virtual Word Publishing,, offering arketing services as well as entrepreneur advice and PR and VA Coaching. The author of 5 books, including the best-selling book, Virtual Assistant the Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA. Feel free to use this posting as long as bio remains.
Great tips. Great way to get the most out of your material. I love learning new ways to recycle and reuse something I’ve written.
I’m curious about the autoresponder service. will look into it when I have time.
I am a bit cautious about Paid advertising to promote an article, mostly because I write so many (I publish 5 days a week on my blog). Any ideas on how one can work with that without spending too much money?
The third thing is that i’ve done the article marketing before, publishing a lot of articles on Ezine Articles. I didn’t see a noticeable spike in traffic on my blog, or on book sales. Have you personally found article marketing to be effective? What concrete results did it bring you?
Thank you Shawn! I so appreciate that. Damaria – Thank you so much for your questions .. So appreciate it! If you sign up for my newsletter you can see how my autoresponder series looks. Unfortunately you need to do that from my main page as it doesn’t work on this page. I’m getting it fixed. I’m getting a new website soon so hopefully it will ALL be fixed soon! Congratulations on posting 5 days a week on your blog! Wow that is tremendous. What I’d recommend doing is choosing one or two a week and promoting those. ($5.00) I find I get so much more engagement when I do. You can choose the articles that might promote your services more. Try it for a few weeks and see how it works. As far as article marketing, that is a big part of my business and I’m a huge fan. Please email me and I can give you some additional material on how to make it successful .. I know it works as I have gotten clients from it, sold a lot more of my VA books, etc. Plus, I get great results for my clients too. It establishes you as an expert. I like to send to more places than Ezine articles. Email me and I’ll be happy to share where I send to! Thanks again for your questions. Love to discuss this more!
I agree, you never want to appear desperate. I believe in consistent marketing. Slow and steady wins the race — so to speak.
Hi Diana,
Ohh this had me chuckling just a bit. I see some people that are desperate. They ask and ask and tell how available they are. In all that time though, they never truly market themselves.
One tip I am taking from this is to take tweets and FB postings on my articles. I think I will post a link to my article and that seems to be it for the week.
Thanks much