As business goes on, you want to continue attracting new clients and getting new business. You absolutely want to be doing this, but not at the expense of your existing clients.
It is essential that you are still making your current clients feel special. You may find that most, if not all of your current promotions and special offers are geared towards new clients. Consider what you can be doing for existing clients as well. It doesn’t have to be a special offer or a promotion, but you can send them extra tweets or give them extra help with their projects.
Also, go out of your way to keep in touch with clients and ask them how they feel you are doing and if there is anything extra you can do for them.
Paying attention to your current clients will build a long-term relationship and ensure that existing clients stay loyal and keep coming back for more business. It’s a win-win situation.
What are you doing to make sure you keep front and center with all your clients? Post away.