Tuesday on our weekly radio show, MomCast Live, Jill Hart and I were honored to interview the founder of Mompreneursonline.com and author of numerous books on starting a home-based business, Ellen Parlapiano. It rocked!! For the first time too, we were on the front page of Blog Talk Radio. YES!!
I’ve known Ellen for years and am totally addicted to her site. It is truly my biggest guilty pleasure in working at home. I get to chat with others who are absolutely going places and we get down and dirty on how to survive and thrive in our home-based businesses. But listening to Ellen herself was beyond words. I hope you all take a few minutes and listen to the archives. It will be so beneficial for your business. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stations/bc/momcast and don’t forget to get her books if you haven’t already!
Mompreneurs Online: Using the Internet to Build Work at Home Success!
Here are just a few of the tips she gave:
1) Passion — Find that business you are passionate about and learn all you can to succeed. Network with like-minded entrepreneurs.
2) Network locally and online. It pays to get dressed up and get out in your community to those networking events. Clients benefit from seeing your personality and that can not only mean more work, but a better understanding of the work you are doing.
3) Pitch magazines correctly. Ellen is a full-time freelance writer. She states when pitching national magazines know their time frames. Now is the time to be thinking Christmas. At Christmas be thinking Mother’s Day. Pitch to the right editor. Take the time to know who to send to.
4) This was really good … she states, it’s okay to follow-up with reporters. However, be mindful of their time and their schedule and don’t follow-up too much. She stated it was good to call. Her point was with emails, it’s often so easy for them just to hit the “delete” key.
Some of the greatest parts of the show was the personal stories she gave in working at home. So many of us could relate to them. The red water balloon during an important interview is definitely the best. Go ahead and go to her forum www.mompreneursonline.com and see if you can get her to tell you that story. It’s worth it! It will brighten any day.
There is so much more.
Thanks Ellen for a fabulous interview.
If you’d like to be on our show, email me at Diana@virtualwordpublishing.com
Diana Ennen
Virtual Word Publishing