Welcome to The Virtual Edge — What a tremendous month we had. It was a difficult month with Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita but a month of recovery and joy as well. I was so pleased to see so many come together and help us in our donations for the hurricane victims.
I’m now doing a regular segment on the CWAHM Talk Radio so be sure to tune in!http://www.cwahm.com/loudblog
We welcome our new clients!
Good news — We will be sending out the newsletter now every month. We welcome your comments.
Diana Ennen
Top Five Qualities a Parent Should Look For When Hiring a Tutor
Hiring a tutor can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you have never done it before. The following five qualities are the most important ones that you should look for when matching a tutor with a child:
1) Their ability to “connect� with your child and you.
2) Their teaching style – does it match your child’s learning style?
3) Their ability to be patient and empathic when your child is truly struggling.
4) Their reliability and dependability.
5) Their tutoring experience backed up by current references.
It is imperative that the tutor immediately makes a strong connection with your child. The tutor should use part of the first session getting to know your child by asking questions about their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Setting the rapport is important so future sessions run smoothly and productively. The tutor should also be able to easily communicate with you after the session and give you adequate feedback regarding what he or she accomplished during the session.
If your child is a visual learner, the tutor should bring appropriate materials (a small white board, for example) so the learning process compliments your child’s learning style. Conversely, an auditory learner would benefit from reading out loud with the tutor or talking through math problems. A kinetic learner will need the sessions to be very hands-on and interactive.
There is nothing worse than a tutor giving up and getting angry with a child when the going gets tough. Patience is definitely a virtue and every tutor needs to posses this quality to put your child at ease. An inpatient person will have the opposite effect. Chances are good that your child will not want to be cooperative in the future with anyone who can’t relate to their problems. The reason you hired a tutor was to find someone who can repeat themselves numerous times if necessary or present information in a different way until it “clicks� with your child.
A tutor who is constantly late or just doesn’t show up without calling should immediately be terminated.
Checking a tutor’s references is imperative. Written references should not be older than a year old and you should call the author of the letter anyway, just to confirm they wrote it. The best references are from individuals who have observed the tutor teaching or tutoring. Other parents who have used the tutor are the best references, but don’t dismiss your gut feeling about someone you are interviewing.
An extensive interview must be done to be sure you are selecting only top-notch teachers and tutors. You will want to conduct a thorough background and criminal check and call all of the references provided.
Most importantly, a visit to every home to meet the family before attempting to place a tutor is imperative. This complimentary visit proves invaluable when making a “match� with you child.
Bright Apple Tutoring Service, Inc. has been offering tutoring services above requirements are met and that you get only the best tutors. If you are looking for a tutor, or looking to start a career in tutoring, contact Bright Apple Tutoring Service, http://www.hometutoringbusiness.com, at 1.888.847.0033
Laurie Hurley, President, Bright Apple Tutoring Service, Home Tutoring Business, www.hometutoringbusiness.com , http://brightappletutoring.com 1-888-847.0033. Laurie is available for media interviews, discussions on education and home-based business opportunities such as starting a tutor referral business.
Direct Sales — Getting Customers
Let’s talk about stepping out of the WAHM zone and reaching beyond mothers in business to find a more target market of shoppers. This can be done in 3 easy steps:
Step one: Knowing your Customer
To find your ideal customer, you first have to know them. Other than the fact your future customer wants your products, what else do you know about them? Ask yourself some of the following questions:
1. What hobbies do your customers have?
2. Do they have children?
3. Do they prefer buying online or offline?
4. What are their fears/concerns?
5. What makes them happy?
Step two: Finding Your Ideal Customer
The next step is a piece of cake! Once you discover what your ideal customer’s interests hobbies, and lifestyle is, finding them is the easy part. There are TONS of message boards, groups, newsletters, and websites dedicated to specific groups of people. You can do some research to find these places on Yahoo Groups, Ezine Directories, or just by searching.
Step three: Discover Your Own Interests
Take a minute to realize your own hobbies and interests. Do you like to read and sell coffee or candles? Join a message board that talks about books and get to know others there. Make sure to put your business in your signature line! Use a creative ad such as “Relax with a cup of (your company’s name) coffee and a good book”, or “Relax with a (company name) scented candle and a good book”. Try and get as creative as possible so your signature line really stands out and makes other want to click.
Also be sure to ask yourself why you joined this particular business to begin with (aside from the money!). Sometimes this will give you ideas of where your customers could be. For example, if you joined a bath and body company because of your concern for the use of store brand soaps on your children, you may consider seeking out a group or message board of other mothers that share your same concern. Again, be sure to use signature lines targeted to those who your products are targeted to!
Of course this is just the beginning. While you may choose to pay for simple advertising on some websites and newsletters (and this is fine!), if you are involved in the community be respectful to the current members. Don’t just place ads and leave, but instead get to know those in the community. Follow the rules as you should within any community – don’t post with the assumption everyone will automatically buy from you. Build relationships, be helpful, and the sales will follow!
~Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank~
Don’t Want Another Wool Sweater This Year for Christmas?
Bragelets “Sent-A-Hint� Program Brings Your Gift Idea Right to Your Loved Ones E-mail
Sure, they love you and each year they try their best to find you the perfect gift. But let’s be honest, sometimes they need a little help. Here’s your chance to let your husband, parent, or special someone know exactly what you want. Sign up now for our Bragelet’s Sent-A-Hint feature and get the jewelry you long for at a price you can afford. You simply fill out the “Sent-A-Hint� form online at http://www.bragelets.com and your gift selection is e-mailed complete with ordering details.
Bragelets offers the finest in custom made jewelry including Mother’s Bracelets, Birthstone Bracelets, Name Bracelets, Charm Bracelets, plus so many more. Bragelets were designed because Moms Love to Brag. All styles all custom-designed to your unique personality with the finest sterling silver letters, 14K gold-filled beads, and Swarovski crystals.
For your holiday shopping, here are just a few gift giving ideas for all members of your family:
Gifts For Moms, Grandmas, Aunts Mother’s Bracelets – What a great gift idea for the mom, wife, Grandma or Aunt in your family. Our mother’s bracelets are as special as the names you have chosen for each one of your precious children. See how everyone marvels at the bracelet you wear with your children’s name on it.
Family Birthstone Bragelets® The perfect solution for moms with large families or Grandmas with lots of grandchildren. Make it a family affair with Mom and Dad’s birthstones on the outside and the children’s name in the middle.
Gifts For Kids & Teens Lilbrags Just like their Mommy, little girls love jewelry. And what they love even more is seeing their name on it. Bring a smile to her shining face with a special bracelet designed just for her. Better yet, get a matching bracelet to match moms and make it the best holiday yet.
Charm Bracelets These are HOT, HOT, HOT and back by popular demand. They will delight any age group especially the preteens and teenagers. You’ll find so many great choices to choose from to fit all personalities.
Save your loved ones from wandering the malls at the last minute searching for the perfect gift. Sign up now for “Sent-A-Hint� and let them know exactly what you want this year. Don’t forget to do some shopping at our site too while you’re there for all your gift needs. Bragelets at http://www.bragelets.com , E-mail us for a free brochure at diana@virtualwordpublishing.com
Bragelets offers the finest in custom made jewelry. http://www.bragelets.com Robin Zell Owner, Diana Ennen, Publicity, (954) 971-4025, diana@virtualwordpublishing.com
Virtual Assistants – The Perfect Work-at-Home Opportunity
With gas prices rising, many displaced from their jobs, and more and more businesses downsizing, comes the need for finding an alternative way to make a good income. One Industry that is increasing in popularly today, being rated one of the top 5 home-based businesses for 2005 by Entrepreneur Magazine last year, is virtual assisting. Becoming a VA allows you to work from anywhere in the world and requires little in the way of start-up costs or fees. The main requirement is the ability to type well and a good understanding of the Internet.
By definition, a Virtual Assistant or VA, is a highly skilled professional who provides administrative support and other specialized services to businesses, entrepreneurs, authors, online businesses, executives, sales professionals and others who have more work to do than time to do it. Many VA’s also provide web design and maintenance, publicity and marketing, desktop publishing, word processing, and business start-up consultations. The services are endless depending upon the VA’s knowledge, skills and creativity.
“What started out in the 80’s as home-based word processors has grown into what we are seeing today,” says Diana Ennen, President of Virtual Word Publishing. “Plus more and more clients are realizing the need to outsource their work and let a professional virtual assistant do it, so they can focus on that they do best, running their business.
Professionals realize they can make more money by utilizing our services. We take care of not only running their office, but also implementing new marketing campaigns, sending out newsletters, follow- up with clients, etc.�
Virtual assistants also they have a solid understanding of the latest tools to make a business succeed. One example is blogging. We all know that it is essential for a business to have a blog today to succeed, yet many businesses don’t have the time to create and maintain a blog. A good virtual assistant will handle that for you keeping it up to date. Other areas of expertise include search engine optimization. Virtual assistants can optimize your website so it rates high on Google and others and your potential clients find you easily. Ennen, along with co-author Kelly Poelker have written, “Virtual Assistant ~ the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA. It has the endorsement of work-at-home experts Priscilla Huff and the Mompreneurs® as well as a number of others and has helped thousands over the years start their own thriving business. Virtual Assistant The Series is also the primary textbook for the Red Deer College- Canada VA Certification Program in Canada, Owens College, and several other large colleges, and is required reading for students of “Virtual Assistance U” — an online training center for virtual professionals. For free information on starting a virtual assistant business or to find a qualified virtual assistant, stop by Ennen’s new site, Publicity-VA.com. You’ll also find publicity tips, free booklets on obtaining clients, and sample letters and chapters from their book. Start today in the successful career you’ve been longing for – a home-based virtual assistant business.
Diana Ennen is the author of several books including: Virtual Assistant the Series, Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, Words From Home, Start, Profit and Run a Successful Home-Based Word Processing Business and Home Office Recovery Plan: Disaster Preparedness for Your Home-Based Business http://www.virtualwordpublishong.com Contact her at Diana@virtualwordpublishing.com
Home Office Recovery Plan — Disaster Preparedness Book
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Sledgehammer – Science Fiction Thriller
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Letting Go of Stuff – Darren Johnson