Commit to Writing Press Releases in 2018
Now is the time of year to start thinking just how can I get more clients, sales, etc., in 2018. What shall I do? One great way to market your business is to commit to writing press releases. The goal is to write newsworthy ones that shout great things about your business. Ones that show why your event is the go to event of the year or why your business rocks! But just as important in doing press releases is doing them right. Here are some tips to help.
Press Release Tips
- A press release is normally a one-page document to capture the attention of your target audience. Now you need to know who that audience is, but you should already have that down pat. If not, get back to work!
- Now, more and more, instead of addressing reporters and editors, you’re going after your customers and clients. Include language directed toward them as well as SEO keywords (to help your audience “find” you) and keep your language current (don’t use “out-of-date” or “overused” phrases such as “unique, state of the art, etc.”).
- Include a title (or “Headline”), and a subheadings. The subheading is a great way to add a few sentences to discuss your release more. It complements the title. Make sure your title rocks and has keywords and also enough description to know what the release is about.
- The release will generally reveal the “who, what, when, where and why.” It’s important that it’s accurate, informative and of interest to others. Rewrite and edit as needed. This is especially true for event releases.
- The first paragraph should be enticing and should knock their socks off. Get their attention and keep their attention. Also, include a website link to your website or the link to the event. Early on you want them going to check you out.
- Then the body should include three or four supporting paragraphs. Give the target audience what they want to hear.
- Use bullet points to highlight specific points of interest such as what will happen at the event, speakers, etc. For your business, highlight key new features or key points of interest. A reader’s eyes tend to go to the bullet points first so you have the opportunity to show them the best stuff there.
- Steer clear of too much “industry-specific jargon” and avoid long, drawn out sentences. BORING!
- Remember your audience is often reading on their phone or iPad. So keep it short and sweet.
- Make every word count. Make the release newsworthy. Share a story. Relate your offering to current special events. Detail what makes your event the one to attend.
- Include a quote from you. It personalizes the release more. Plus it allows you to make a statement about your business or event.
- The call to action is the last paragraph. Include information you want them to do, buy your book, go to your website, find more information about your event, etc.
- Also, include in the call to action paragraph a sentence stating, “For media interviews contact name and email.”
- Include a short bio in the about us section. Discuss you or your business here, not necessarily the event. In some cases you can have two about us sections as long as you always include your information first. Say, you and then information on the host of the event for example.
See how easy it is write a great press release. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Why not seek the help of those who do this regularly and let them assist you in getting your name and brand out there in the best way possible.