Home Tutoring Business offers you the opportunity to establish a home-based tutor referral service in your community. A detailed business plan is already written for you. Your blueprint to success is thorough enough for you to be up and running quickly, while allowing you to add your own personal touches based on your business experience.
Home Tutoring Business
1) Low purchase price – packages are between $3995-$6495 with additional start up costs of approximately $1500-$3500.
2) Your revenue is not shared with HTB – no monthly fees of any kind – EVER!
3) There is no need to sign any contracts with us, thus no renewal fees or transfer fees if you sell your business.
4) We don’t ask you to prove your cash liquidity or net worth.
5) Grow your business – no geographical limits.
6) On-going support built in to each package price via email or phone.
7) Optional visit to our home office for training is provided but not required.
8) Personalized website is offered, not a corporate website.
9) Custom Accounting Software offered- written specifically for HTB.
10) Merchant Account provided – begin taking credit cards immediately.
11) Ad copy designed and provided for you, not only at the start-up phase, but throughout your tenure owning your business.
12) A comprehensive step-by-step manual is your guide, documenting exactly how to begin, maintain and grow your tutoring referral service.
13) Fulfill a niche in the tutoring industry by providing one-on-one in-home tutoring from the schools’ curriculum.
14)Work from home – you did not need an outside office or store-front which keeps your overhead low.
1) Franchise prices begin at approximately $19K and can be as high as $100K. Additional start up costs are usually between $20K-$60K or more.
2) Franchises take a monthly percentage of your revenue. Some also take a percentage of revenue for national advertising which may or may not benefit you, depending on the market you service.
3) The typical franchise agreement is for a period of ten (10) years with a renewal fee due at the end of that period if you plan to continue operating your franchise.
4) Franchises want to know your personal financial situation. They often ask for proof of your liquid assets. If you don’t meet their requirements, you may be turned down for a franchise.
5) Franchises allow you to “buy� a protected territory. If you want more than one territory, usually defined by population, your franchise fee will be higher.
6) Support is usually promised when you sign your contract. When you are dealing with a large franchise corporation, it is infrequent that you will speak directly to the President or owner.
7) Many franchises require you to visit their corporate office for two-three days of training. You pay your own expenses.
8) A corporate website is powerful, however, not personalized to your business. Most franchises will provide your contact information and you receive any inquiries via an email.
9) Some franchises have Accounting Software programs and some don’t.
10) Merchant Accounts are rarely provided. If you want to take credit cards (which will substantially increase your revenues), you are on your own to find a vendor.
11) Depending on the franchise, you might be able to have ads designed for you specifically, especially at the beginning of your ownership. On-going ads are cookie-cutter because they apply to every franchisee.
12) Franchises usually provide a training manual, written by the training department, not the owner.
13) There are very few one-on-one in-home tutoring franchises in the marketplace. Most tutoring franchises are learning centers, which involves a huge capital investment.
14) Learning centers are obviously just that – a center – and that is where your office will be located. You will be responsible for rent, insurance, employees and everything else that goes along with owning a business outside of your home.
For many people, a franchise is the way to go. As an ex-franchisee for three years, I was very disappointed in my experience, and I was a top producer for the company. I owned one of the only major in-home tutoring franchises in existence eight years ago. There are a few others on the market now, but they are small and usually owned by a teacher or educator, not a business person.
Financially, HTB is offering more to the buyer – we are offering an opportunity to be a true entrepreneur backed by my knowledge, support and experience actually working in the field for eight years. HTB will help you establish your own company name and identity in the geographical areas you decide to service.
Personal experience, backed by individualized attention and knowledge of how to begin a lucrative tutoring referral service that is in high demand in almost every part of the country can be yours – without the steep financial investment.
Laurie Hurley is the Founder & President of Home Tutoring Business. based in Southern California. If you are looking to begin a tutor referral service in your community without the high cost of buying a franchise, contact Home Tutoring Business, http://www.hometutoringbusiness.com, at 1.805.376.0033.