Wednesday, July 21, 2010 – 6PM – 7PM Eastern
Shortcuts to Marketing Your Business To Keep it Thriving In the Least Amount of Time
We all know that to be successful you need to keep your name out there and continually market. But often times with the stress of running your business, marketing gets put on the back burner. I’m going to show you how you can create a plan and work that plan so that every week you continue to grow your business AND get everything done you need to. You’ll still be doing your article and press release marketing, online marketing, social media marketing, etc., but in considerably less time.
Fortunately today there are tools available to do it. You just need to know how to use them effectively and the right ones for your business. Also, it’s important to realize what types of marketing works best. I’ll be showing you all that and so much more. Plus, I’ll be throwing in some amazing marketing secrets too. I love PR and I love the results you can get when done right. Let me show you just how YOU TOO can do it.