How to Promote Freelance Writing
This week, seven Publicity Hounds have tips for Cheryl Beck of Detroit.She’s a freelance writer who wants to know how to drum up localbusiness.
From Linda Barrett:
“Read Peter Bowerman’s excellent book “The Well-fed Writer” athttp://www.wellfedwriter.com/ordertwfw.shtml
From Stacy Kean:
“Don’t think of yourself as a ‘solicitor’–but rather a problem-solver.Several months ago, there was a NY Times article about the horrible writing abilities of some in the business world.
“Also, as a writer or PR person, it’s hard to believe it, but some people hate to write. Target a few businesses you would like as clients and offer to solve their problems. Maybe you notice their web content could use some help, or they could use an updated brochure. Let them know you can get it done.”
From freelance writer Shel Horowitz:
“Your community doesn’t have to be local. I have clients on three continents. The Internet lets you identify communities of interest and easily brand yourself in them.”
Read all the responses at http://publicityhound.net/prblog/?p=302
The Publicity Hound says:
Freelance writers, PR people and anybody looking for more business canuse many of the two dozen ideas that Marcia Yudkin and I came up with whenwe did a teleseminar last year called “24 Ways to Attract Clients to YourPR Practice.” It includes the two very best strategies that have earnedboth of us thousands of dollars in consulting fees. You’ll get ideas for drumming up local or international business, staying on people’s radar screens, and promoting yourself as an expert in your field. It’s available as a CD or downloadable transcript you can be reading in minutes. Read more about what you’ll learn athttp://www.publicityhound.com/publicity-products/marketing-tapes/24_ways.htm
Reprinted from “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week,” a free ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.PublicityHound.com and receive free by email the handy list “89 Reasons to Send a News Release.”