So here’s the deal. The holidays are upon us and that means you are more than likely adding more things to your plate. Now these can be fun things like shopping and family and friends gatherings, but business as usual usually goes out the door at this time. And with that so does your marketing efforts. So this year, let’s talk turkey and what you can do to keep marketing even with your busy schedule.
Here are some tips to master your holiday marketing:
- Be realistic . I have to be honest here, I read my holiday article from past years and was sorely disappointed. I had big plans for how I was going to market during the holidays but ended up doing less than half of those things on my list …. And I do marketing for a living! YIKES! What that told me was this time, I need to plan for exactly what I know I can accomplish. Yes, it’s helps to plan big, but if it doesn’t get done, well it’s going to go the way of Aunt Helen’s fruitcake … out the door. So be realistic and plan accordingly.
- Break it down and schedule accordingly – What I discovered was that I got started with a bang, but then got busy and the follow-up just didn’t happen. This year, I plan on scheduling out smaller marketing steps and making sure that I do them. Then plan on not going to the next thing until I finish the previous one. That way I won’t have a bunch of things started, but nothing really completed. Plus, I absolutely love being able to cross things off my list. So by creating a to do list, I normally accomplish more because I love the thrill of crossing out those items. I’ll also reward myself when I do complete things. Maybe my favorite Starbucks or something. Again, just for motivation to get more done.
- Schedule Client Gifts & Relax – The best way to market your business during the holidays or anytime really is just not to stress out. I hear you, that sounds good, but is it really possible? Yes, it is. Here’s just one example to try. Say you routinely send out client gifts and you want them to arrive close to the holidays. You can start ordering them now, and just put the shipping date for the date you want. Just make sure you keep good records so you don’t make the mistake of sending them again. The advantage there too is that you will probably pay less on shipping because of the advanced notice. Plus, this doesn’t just apply to business gifts, you can do the same with your holiday shopping. Bamm, now that’s how it’s done.
- Reach out and say hi! I missed you or it’s great working with you. This one I actually did good on last year. I did reach out to clients and potential clients as well as friends I’ve had for years. I didn’t push that I wanted their business in the New Year, but more that it’s great to know them and what can we do to connect more in the upcoming year. And not only did I enjoy it immensely, it did bring more work. The key here is to have fun. I don’t know about you, but I get lonely sometimes working at home. I have tons of great online friends, and I talk with clients regularly, but there are days that I just want some more companionship. So this one came naturally to me.
- Specials rock!! People love to save money this time of year and also even more important is that most are planning on spending money. Offer discounts on your popular products or services. And be real that it’s a deal. I know one major company that offers coupons and discounts. However, once you apply the coupon code the shipping rate jumps $4.00. So S&H went from $5.99 to $9.99. I tested it numerous times to make sure that it was actually happening and it was. So bottom line, if you offer a discount, make sure it’s a legit discount. Also, take it a step further and if you have any clients on the fence of whether to work with you or not, email them the discount with a nice, btw just wanted to let you know of my holiday special. It just might be what they need to move forward.
- Don’t be business as usual. This month plan on talking a bit more on your family and things that are really important to you. What you’ll discover is clients and potential clients as well as your associations want to get to know the real you. I know I love it when I get to know more about someone. And just like with other tips, be real. Sometimes it’s great to hear challenges you might be having and not all is MY LIFE IS GREAT that posting on social media often curtains.
What a gift for you this year if you try even some of these tips. Get marketing and make the next decade the best ever. And remember you don’t have to do it alone. There are those out there who specialize in PR and marketing who can help. The most important thing is to do it, have some fun, and welcome the New Year with open arms.