My prayers and best wishes for all who are in Hurricane Sandy’s path. We were fortunate and missed it, but unfortunately it doesn’t look as many will.
Living in Florida we prepare for hurricanes frequently. Also, I’m the co-author of the Home Office Recovery Plan. We are giving this out FREE to anyone who needs it. Again, we are not selling it, we only want to help those who might need it.
Here are our tips:
Do an inventory of all your business property and take photos.
Attach receipts to the inventory if available.
Identify a safe place for everyone to meet. This pre-determined place should be discussed with family members prior to an emergency. A second location should be discussed. Also, out-of-town relatives should be advised of this location. Additionally, each person should have a list of phone numbers for immediate neighbors and family members. 3X5 index cards work well.
Take an inventory now. Write down insurance policies including insurance company and contact information, policy numbers, group numbers, date of births, coverage, etc. Write down an inventory of valuables. Take photos.
Write down a complete family medical history. Include any medical conditions, medicines and dosages, doctors names and contact information, where medical records can be found, etc. Be specific. A life can truly depend on this one step alone.
Get a copy of all important information, wills, trusts, mortgages, deeds, birth certificates, contracts, medical records, even household bills to help.