It’s here. No denying it now. The new year is upon us … a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. A time to see everything as a new beginning. And a time to be proud of everything you’ve done, even the small things.
If you know me well, you know one of the things I do a lot of is CELEBRATING! Not the dance on the table with a lamp shade celebrating, but more the “Yeah, my pitch worked and I got my client in Inc Magazine. Or after months of trying, I finally landed that client. Bring out the bubbly, we are going to party! I always try to celebrate the big wins and the little wins. Why? Because then when I have a “bad” day, I can reflect on the better days ahead.
The New Year is a great time to starting thinking about building your business. Funny how January has that power. Everyone is in the “grow” mode. So with that, here are my top tips to increase your profits in 2017.
Tips to Increase Your Profits in 2017:
- Do a website review – while you are changing that footer on your site from 2016 to 2017, spend some time and do a quick review of your site. Read over it like you just put it up, and check those links, contact forms, etc. Review the SEO and keywords to ensure you are still good to go. Review the services or products page. Can you improve upon that? Does it still represent all you do today? Is it easy to purchase your products? Remember making it easy for your customers to order, will allow them to purchase more. Now check your website on your phone. Is it mobile-friendly or do you get a few sentences per screen? Do whatever it takes to represent you in the best way possible.
- Conduct a social media review – Devote a week each month in January to reviewing your social media and make changes. One week focus on Facebook. The next week on Twitter. Then LinkedIn, etc. Now naturally you want to keep all your social media efforts going throughout the month, but if you focus on one each week, hopefully you can accomplish so much more. You know the usuals, add more content, etc., but what you want to do is plan out 2017. Use that week to come up with a 3 month plan. At the end of the three months you can review, but do more but if you break it down into three months.
- Create passive income streams– Take some time and consider what you can do to get some passive income in each month. Can you convert that webinar into a product you can sell? How close are you to writing a new ebook? Can you connect with those you have associated in your industry and see what they are offering? Sign up to be an affiliate and actually do the work to make sales. (So many sign up to be an affiliate but then just do nada / nothing. That won’t bring $$$$ or build relationships. Just see what you can do to bring in income that doesn’t require you to do it.
Get marketing and make 2017 the best year yet. And remember you don’t have to do it alone. There are those out there who specialize in PR and marketing who can help. The most important thing is to do it, have some fun, and welcome the New Year with open arms.