Now is the time to really ramp up your holiday marketing! Between businesses spending their budgets for the year to others spending for the holidays, sales are sure to increase. Of course, what is most important is that you get busy marketing so when someone needs a product or service … they see you and come to you.
Here are my top 5 marketing tips for this holiday season
- Up your game. So many during the pandemic really slowed down on their marketing efforts. Then getting back in the groove was hard to do. There was always that “I’ll start next week.” So tip number 1 – start now and create a very simple plan to keep it going. The plan to keep it going is even more important than starting. You don’t want to be a one pitch wonder. So up your game and get ready to see results.
- Review your objectives of your marketing efforts. What you might have been doing last year or even a few months ago might not be where you are now. So before you begin marketing really spend some time in thinking over your strategy and your end game. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to reach? How can you best do that? And again, keep it simple. The goal is to do it so you don’t put it off until next week, because next week might never come.
- Set that fire – Renew your passion. Can you feel the energy of some businesses when they really are passionate and feel so confident in their products or services? Be that business. On social media, in your articles, on your blogs and website, etc., really shine! Write from the heart. I think you’ll be amazed at the results.
- Spend some money. If you have fallen off the grid and haven’t marketed for a while or even slowed down a bit, jumpstart your efforts with spending some money. Paying a little now can be a great way to get out there and not only engage again with your current clients and customers but finding new ones as well.
- Try something new. Do you sometimes feel like you are doing the same ole’ same ole’? So get excited and try something new. Learn a new program. Get more familiar with all that AI has to offer.
Now is the time to blast off into the last quarter of the year. These marketing tips should help. And remember you can always reach out and get help with the stuff that you don’t enjoy doing. But most importantly it’s moving into the holiday season, so enjoy!